
My name is Nicholas Wong and I am currently a third year undergraduate student at the University of Southern California, majoring in Human Biology and minoring in Health Policy. In terms of my career aspirations, I have always had a long term goal of helping those less fortunate than I am, especially in the field of medicine and health. My time with the Center of Research of Addiction and Brain Health has not only helped me in my path of pursuing a career in the health field, but has also opened my eyes to the many faults in our healthcare system that impact the wellbeing of many. I’ve been able to meet so many inspiring and hard working individuals through this internship and can’t wait to see what the future holds for Longevity Underground. On the side, I developed a major interest in the electronic dance music and festival scene, and have developed hobbies in DJ-ing and music production. I also have recently developed a newfound interest in cooking and have been trying to hone my skills through cooking with my family.

